Remember that movie Annie? What about our 28th President, Thomas Woodrow Wilson?
Well, those two things along with my July 4th wedding this year all have one thing in common:

Location! We got some shots at Monmouth U., Woodrow Wilson Hall. Summer residence of President Wilson and the set for Daddy Warbucks' house in the film Annie.

I couldn't help but notice these bad-boys in green. Now serving as the front side of my new business cards!

(b. cards front and back):

The only street leading into this tiny little island chapel was shut down (not for too long, thankfully!) on the way to the ceremony. The bride and groom made it just on time!
(There was a medical evac. going on of someone that we didn't know, but pray is alright!)

When feeding each other the cake, please don't forget to feet the children?

A drunken (on love and booze) rock concert put on by the bride and groom at the end of the night usually calls for some serious entertainment:

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